54 ppb
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Ozone is a toxic environmental pollutant that causes sore throat, shortness of breath and asthma attacks. It is used in processing meats, poultry and bottled water to kill bacteria and viruses.
Maximum daily 8-hour average level must be ≤ 70 ug/m3 or ≤ 0.070 ppb.
Nitrogen Dioxide is a major air pollutant. NO2 induces symptoms including cough, sore throat, shortness of breath and asthma attacks. Being heavier than air, it causes hazy skies.
Maximum 1-hour concentration of NO2 must be ≤ 100 ppb. Annual mean must be ≤ 53 ppb.
Particulate matter affects human health more than any other air pollutant. Dust particles 1/30th size of human hair contain organic + inorganic materials that cause deadly heart and lung diseases.
The 24-hour average for PM 2.5 must be ≤ 35 ug/m3 . Annual mean must be ≤ 12 ug/m3 .
Ozone is one of the most common air pollutants affecting the eyes, nose and lungs. Ozone is a potent lung irritant causing asthma attacks in very sensitive individuals.
Particulate matter (PM) is also known as particle pollution. It is a complex mixture of extremely small particles and liquid droplets that can be inhaled deep into your lungs. When inhaled, these tiny dust-like particles cause heart and lung disease.
Plant pollens and mold spores cause hay fever, asthma and sinus headaches in nearly 25% of Americans who have the genetic ability to produce allergy antibodies, or IgE.
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